Some of the
images and text at this site were taken from sources I no longer remember
and are the work of other people.
I appreciate the fact that I was able to download these. If you are one of
the owners and do not want me to use your image,
please send me an email at this address: webmaster<you know what character>
At this site,
I collect and display "many things of various
qualities and purposes with no discernable use or direction";
If you are offended by, do not agree with or otherwise object to any of these,
please leave the site immediately,
do not pass GO, do not collect 100 brownie points.
In some part
of this site, I display my own opinions, in others, the opinions of the people
who produced the material
in the first place. None of my opinions are intended to offend, upset or be
unfair to anyone, living or deceased.
Anything else is either accidental or unwarranted taking offence, being upset
or feeling of unfairness on the part
of the viewer. There is not much I can do about the latter, is there? If you
detect any of the former, please send me
an email at this address: ideas<you know what character>
I take utmost
care not to knowingly put anything in this site which is illegal - either
images/text or links. If any of
the links I insert here turn out to - directly or indirectly - lead to illegal
material, I explicity declare that it was
unintentional. Please inform me of such cases with an email to this address:
webmaster<you know what character>